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Nationwide Contractor Licensing

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Interested In Becoming A Contractor?

Many people in the construction and electrical industry are unaware of how many resources are available to them when it comes to becoming a certified contractor. At first glance, the state application seems daunting but what “would-be” contractors don’t know is that there is a company out there that can help them……and for a reasonable price. Nationwide Contractor Licensing is not only a top notch company with decades of experience in the industry, they are extremely reasonable and provide everything you need to get a license. You do nothing! There are other companies out there that claim to be experienced with state licensing agencies and say they handle the entire process but really these companies only walk you through the application. With NCL, they really handle the entire process.

NCL Provides:

  • Surety and Performance bonds
  • Worker’s Compensation Exemptions/Policy Changes
  • Form Corporations, LLC’s, Partnerships
  • State Approved Credit Reports
  • Complete license processing for initial exam, Additional Business, Transfers, Re-Activations, Endorsements, Exam Applications, County and State Registrations
  • Registered Agent Services
  • License Qualifier Placement
  • Exam Assistance

For years the licensing board has kept people in the industry from taking that next step into licensure by creating mounds of red tape to cut through. No one had the time, patience, or know how to handle such an operation. Nationwide Contractor Licensing, headed by Angela Ramsay has spent a decade jumping those hurdles for people who just don’t have time to deal with it……and let’s face it, who does? www.contractor-state-license.com gives a detailed picture of the companies background, services they provide, and how to get in touch with them. Call For a free consultation. Angela will personally talk to you and let you know right then whether you qualify, the services you need for your specific goals, and the costs involved.

Reciprocity… Not An Open Door Policy

While working in the contractor licensing industry the past 10 years, I’ve been asked many questions about state contractor licensing. The most frequent question I receive goes something like this… “I am a licensed Electrical Contractor in Florida. Florida has reciprocity with North Carolina, North Carolina has reciprocity with Texas. Can’t I just get a North Carolina license then reciprocate into Texas.” To the listener’s dismay, my  answer is always, not unless you take a test.

While it is true that reciprocity agreements between North Carolina and Florida and North Carolina and Texas do exist, there is no reciprocity agreement between Florida and Texas. An applicant can obtain a North Carolina License by way of reciprocity from Florida.  However, that’s where the journey ends. In the licensing industry, the first scenario is called state jumping… and it’s  not allowed. Every reciprocity agreement requires a license verification from the reciprocal state indicating the applicant passed the state exam. The applicant could certainly get that verification when coming from Florida. However, the license verification from North Carolina is going to say,  “License obtained by way of reciprocity.”  These words will ultimately lead to a rejection in Texas.

As you can see, there are many caveats when seeking reciprocity. It’s important to understand those requirements before getting financially and emotionally invested in a scenario that will not play out in your favor.

Call Nationwide Contractor Licensing to discuss your licensing goals and receive a free consultation as it pertains to licensing options and guidelines.

Nascla Exam

Even now, many contractors I work with have never heard of The National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA), even though the Association has been around since 1967. Well, it’s time to get acquainted because this organization has done more in the past few years for contractors with the implantation of the first Nationwide Building Exam. Accepted by 9 states and counting, NASCLA continues to pave the way by opening up an extremely arduous process of licensure. 

NASCLA facts:

  • States accepting
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Mississippi
  • Alabama
  • Tennessee 
  • Arkansas 
  • West Virginia 
  • Virgin Islands
  • New Mexico
  • Nevada
  • Arizona
  • Louisiana
  • Florida
  • Utah
  • Virginia

Exam Scheduling- Not As Easy As You Might Think

Whether you are stepping into the contracting industry for the first time or you’re an experienced contractor ready to expand your business into other areas, contractor licensing exams are almost always going to be part of the process. And scheduling those exams? That’s a process in itself. Most contractor licensing boards use a service called PSI for all their exam scheduling.

A quick look at the PSI website would have you believe that a couple of easy clicks will have you all set and ready to take whatever exam your business calls for. But like everything else in the contracting business, it’s not quite that easy. Does the state require approval to take the exam? Is out-of-state testing allowed? Many of these questions can be answered simply by reviewing the exam bulletins on PSI’s website. Others take a more in-depth approach, and experience has taught me a few things that can help with those.

First and foremost, choose several dates that will work for you to schedule your exam. The bulletin will state that most testing centers are open Mon-Sat. However, just like the doctor’s office, just because they’re open doesn’t mean they have an exam appointment available. Whether you are able to schedule it online or you must speak with someone in person, knowing what you can commit to is going to make the whole process much easier.

And remember, traveling is always an option. If you’re in a tight spot and need your appointment sooner than your local testing center has available, consider taking your exam in another location. It may not be as convenient, but it’s nice to have more than one option available.

Although most states allow you to test out of state, this is considered “special accommodations”. PSI’s online system does not allow this type of scheduling. Instead, you will need to speak to someone directly in their special accommodations department, which may entail a 15-20-minute wait on hold, only to leave a voicemail that is usually not returned for at least 24 hours. So, when you do speak with someone, be prepared with those availability dates so you can make the most of the time you have with them.

These are just some of the situations you may encounter. Scheduling your contractor exams are only one step in the licensing process, and it shouldn’t be the most difficult. Being equipped with as much information as possible can make all the difference.

Nationwide Contractor Licensing works closely with their clients during the licensing process. As a courtesy, our staff schedules trade and business and law exams. 

Contact NCL to start the process.

Tampa Office: (954) 233-0222


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Nationwide Contractor Learning